Simon & Gilman, LLP

Jan 17, 2023

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Feb 12, 2020 | Firm News |

A recent injury left you unable to work, and while there is a strong chance that you have a personal injury case on your hands, you still have medical bills to pay. While you wait to see how things turn out, how do you go about taking care of your unexpected costs? 

Money Under 30 has a few suggestions that you can use. Gain insight into managing your overall stress during this trying time. 

Do not ignore your bills 

You may feel (understandably) frustrated at the idea of paying for someone else’s negligence, but you should not ignore incoming medical bills. When you intentionally ignore bills, you risk having to deal with a collections agency…and all the fees and penalties that doing so entails. 

Check the charges 

No matter the reason for your healthcare costs, double-check bills to ensure their accuracy. Specifically, look at the medications, services received and overall length of your hospital stay. Dispute any faulty charges, and share them with your legal advocate. 

Create a payment plan 

You can create an interest-free plan to handle medical bills, but usually only if you ask about such a plan. When working with the medical facility to finalize your plan, do not hesitate to negotiate on what you feel is the fairest deal for your current financial situation. 

Refrain from using credit cards  

Using your credit card may be the fastest way to handle medical bills, but doing so is also a quick way to ruin your credit score and finances. The interest fees alone can leave you spiraling into debt. 

You have options when it comes to managing medical bills during a PI case. Hopefully, the above tips can help you focus on making a recovery and building your case.