Simon & Gilman, LLP

Jan 17, 2023

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | May 1, 2020 | Firm News |

Whenever people step into the street, they are taking a risk. Even though they have the right to share the streets with vehicles, it is dangerous. Using sidewalks and crosswalks, wearing bright colors and carrying a flashlight at night can reduce the risk. 

Some factors, such as heavy traffic, many lanes and high speed limits, make intersections even more hazardous. However, it is distraction, speeding and other careless or negligent driver behaviors that most often put pedestrians’ lives in danger

The deadly collision 

According to the Queens Daily Eagle, an early morning collision recently killed a local pedestrian. A little before 2 a.m., an SUV struck a man as he attempted to cross multiple lanes near the intersection of College Point Boulevard and Booth Memorial Avenue. When law enforcement arrived on the scene, the victim was unconscious and did not revive. The authorities pronounced him dead at the scene. 

The police investigation

The driver of the vehicle performed a U-turn and drove away after striking the victim. Law enforcement officers are still conducting the investigation into the hit-and-run crash and have not made any arrests. The report does not mention whether the authorities have any leads in the case. 

Wrongful death cases 

Even in hit-and-run cases, traffic cameras, security video from nearby businesses and witnesses may provide the information needed to hold the responsible party liable. Families often seek justice in wrongful death cases, but courts frequently award considerable monetary damages, as well. If the driver’s action was especially shocking or outrageous, a judge may also award punitive damages, not only to punish the driver but to deter others from taking similar actions in the future.