Simon & Gilman, LLP

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Aug 17, 2022 | Construction Accidents |

Crush injuries are a serious issue that often affects construction workers in particular, though they can occur to anyone who spends time around objects larger or heavier than they are.

It is important to understand how crush injuries work and what impact they have on people.

Torso crush injuries

Up To Date takes a close look at crush injuries. Generally speaking, crush injuries fall into one of two categories. The first are crush injuries to the torso or trunk. The second includes crush injuries to the limbs or extremities, such as the hands, feet, legs and arms.

Each type of crush injury comes with its own potential issues. For example, crush injuries that primarily involve the torso typically put the organs at risk. Due to the pressure and disruption of blood flow, many organs may end up failing either from that or from working overtime to make up for the organs that cannot work properly.

Limb crush injuries

As far as limb injuries go, the biggest risks tend to involve gangrene, necrosis and other infections of the tissues that could result in the tissue dying off. This might eventually require an amputation to facilitate full recovery. Sepsis may also occur. This deadly infection can potentially result in death within days of diagnosis in certain forms.

It is important for crush injuries to get proper treatment as fast as possible. This includes appropriate extraction from crush situations in some cases. As all crush injuries are serious by nature, they should all receive quick and accurate medical care to prevent further complications or even loss of life.

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Aug 3, 2022 | Slip, Trip And Fall |

Slipping, tripping or falling in a store can be awkward and embarrassing, so it may be tempting to jump up quickly, brush yourself off and act like the accident never happened. Still, because a slip-and-fall accident can leave you with injuries that are both catastrophic and life-changing, you should never treat a fall cavalierly.

Following a slip-and-fall accident, it is advisable to go to the emergency room for a full examination. If you hate hospitals or do not have the budget for emergency treatment, you must closely monitor yourself for signs of injury. Among others, you never should ignore a runny nose after a slip-and-fall accident.

A runny nose is a bad sign

If you have a runny nose after a slip-and-fall accident, you may have a cerebrospinal fluid leak. This type of leak happens when the thin membranes that hold cerebrospinal fluid in place rupture. Often, a runny nose is the first symptom of a cerebrospinal fluid leak.

Cerebrospinal fluid leaks are dangerous

Cerebrospinal fluid delivers nutrients to your brain while removing potentially toxic waste byproducts. If too much of this fluid leaks, you may suffer brain damage or a stroke. Moreover, according to the Cleveland Clinic, a cerebrospinal fluid leak makes you vulnerable to serious brain infections.

Your condition is treatable

Luckily, doctors have several options for repairing cerebrospinal fluid leaks. Like with other traumatic brain injuries, though, your prognosis probably depends on receiving prompt treatment. If you wait, your treatable condition may become more difficult to cure.

Ultimately, even though going to the hospital can be expensive, you may be eligible for significant financial compensation to help you obtain the critical care you need to recover fully.

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Jul 23, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

The New York metropolitan area is host to many one-way streets. If navigating so many one-ways starts to become frustrating, you might just wonder if it is safe and legal to make a left turn during a red light.

Every driver should know that in a standard intersection, it is acceptable to turn right on red while yielding to traffic coming down the lane unless signage indicates otherwise. Knowing how the law applies to intersections with a one-way street will help you make safe and efficient decisions while driving through dense urban areas.

What does the law say about turning left on a one-way?

The New York Department of Motor Vehicles outlines traffic control guidelines, including appropriate actions you may take at a traffic light. According to the guidelines, you can turn left from a one-way road to another one-way road at a red light after yielding to oncoming vehicles and any pedestrians in the midst of crossing. Be mindful of any signage that marks the intersection as an exception to the rule.

How can you help to avoid accidents at busy intersections?

Failing to yield the right-of-way and neglecting other traffic control guidelines can lead to devastating motor vehicle accidents in a city intersection. You can do your part to reduce the odds of a deadly crash by remembering that turning left at a red light is only legal when transitioning from a one-way street to another one-way street, and by playing it safe when waiting for oncoming traffic to proceed through the intersection.

Many of the injuries that occur at intersections are due to drivers neglecting to abide by best practices when turning. Some motorists are unaware that turning left at a red light is legal in some circumstances, so be safe and observant when performing this maneuver.

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Jul 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

If you are like most Americans, you spend hundreds of hours behind the wheel every single year. In fact, the Federal Highway Administration estimates average drivers put more than 13,000 miles on their vehicles annually. While most of the miles you log are probably on the highway, many others are undoubtedly on highway exit ramps.

Because of the comparatively fast speed limits on highways, you may worry more about having a serious car accident on a highway than on its exit ramp. Still, accidents on exit ramps account for thousands of catastrophic injuries every year.

Rear-end accident risk

Highway exit ramps require drivers to reduce their speeds considerably in a relatively short distance. If the driver behind you is not paying enough attention, he or she may slam into the back of your slowed or stopped vehicle. This, of course, makes you vulnerable to serious bodily injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and even organ damage.

Rollover accident risk

Some highway exit ramps have better designs than others. When you are exiting from a highway, it is critical to comply with posted speed limits. After all, if you are driving too quickly, you may injure yourself in a rollover accident. Rollover accidents, of course, are almost always serious, as they often cause vehicles to land on their sides or tops.

Even though you can drive cautiously on exit ramps, you have no control over how other drivers choose to operate their vehicles. Ultimately, if another driver causes an accident that causes you substantial bodily harm, you may have legal grounds to pursue significant financial compensation.

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Jul 16, 2022 | Personal Injury |

If you live in Queens, you likely know about the “Boulevard of Death.” For many years, this route along Queens Boulevard has become known for its high rates of pedestrian and fatal motor vehicle collisions.

According to the Queens Daily Eagle, 186 people (138 of whom were pedestrians) died while driving or walking along this road since 1990. Although city officials have made efforts to improve the safety of traveling down Queens Boulevard, it remains one of the most dangerous roads in the area.

The hazards on this road

There are several reasons why the “Boulevard of Death” is the site of many injuries and fatal pedestrian and car accidents. One of these reasons is that the boulevard sits next to many elevated train tracks, making lighting an issue.

Many parts of the boulevard are wide, which also makes it hard for pedestrians to travel from one side of the road to the other during a green walk signal. Additionally, this boulevard often experiences heavy vehicle traffic because of the commercial scene surrounding it.

Efforts for a safer Queens Boulevard

In 2021, according to the City of New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced plans to make Queens Boulevard safer. Safety improvements included adding new crosswalks, elongating left turn bays and adding new stop controls.

Even with these safety initiatives, Queens Boulevard remains a hazardous place to drive or walk. If you sustain injuries while walking or in a motor vehicle collision on this road, carefully document your injuries.

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Jul 7, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

In an emergency situation like a motor vehicle accident, minutes are precious. In the aftermath, though, there are plenty of weeks and months ahead for those injured to recover and sort through the complicated matters of insurance coverage.

This process becomes more complicated the more parties the accident involves. American Post reports on an accident that involved three vehicles including a city bus.

The accident

Brooklyn bystanders removed a 67-year-old driver from his vehicle after an accident involving a collision between him and an MTA city bus. The collision forced his vehicle into a third truck. Witnesses claim the man attempted to pass the bus on the left.

It is unclear in the reporting whether authorities had a clear idea of which driver was at fault. Thankfully, the accident was not fatal but emergency personnel took seven people to the area hospital for injuries of minor and serious severity.

The insurance puzzle

Each person injured in this accident may or may not have auto or medical insurance and the various companies will need to reference the evidence and come to conclusions about who covers what. A complicating factor is the New York MTA bus, which will most likely involve employee and vehicle insurance.

Every driver on busy New York roads has a lot to keep track of but can only do so much. When negligence is at play in an accident, it is up to motorists to pursue compensation that helps get their life back on track. There is more information and other resources available for those people needing to negotiate with insurance companies about appropriate coverage.

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Jun 26, 2022 | Construction Accidents |

A safety barrier could mean the difference between coming home safely from a construction job and suffering a serious fall that sends you to the hospital. In certain situations, usually when a work location is higher than six feet from a lower level, a guardrail may be necessary to protect you and your fellow workers.

Still, it is not enough to put up a guardrail and call it a day. Construction companies should be sure that their guardrails can provide the necessary security for their workers in high work areas.

Strong load capacity

A construction site guardrail should be able to withstand forces and actions that could compromise it. According to EHS Today, both OSHA and the International Building Code require guardrails to handle no less than 200 pounds of concentrated force. The IBC also states that guardrails should withstand 50 pounds for every linear foot.

The load capacity of a guardrail is important because it may need to stand in place for a prolonged period of time. The wear created by construction work could cause a weak railing to break apart or fail.

Proper installation

Even a strong guardrail might not protect you if your employer does not follow installation standards while putting it in place. The EHS Today article explains that a properly functioning guardrail should reach a height of 42 inches above the ground. While OSHA does not provide additional installation standards, a guardrail should be of sufficient quality to prevent falls.

In the event it is not possible to use a guardrail, another fall arrest system such as a safety net or a warning system must be in place. Regardless, a construction contractor should not skimp on safety measures when their workers labor in high places or serious injury could result, which may cost the contractor money in fines as well as a loss of goodwill.

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Jun 6, 2022 | Slip, Trip And Fall |

Whether you slip on a wet floor or trip on clutter, a fall could have a devastating impact on your life if you are over the age of 65. Falls can lead to serious injuries for people of all age groups, but older adults are particularly vulnerable. It is vital to review information on older adults and falls in order to understand how widespread these accidents are and the impact they can have on victims’ lives.

Additionally, if you fell down as a result of another party’s negligence, do not hesitate to stand up for your legal rights.

Statistics on falls and older adult injuries

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, emergency departments treat 3 million older adults (65 and over) for injuries caused by falling down every year. Furthermore, 20% of these falls result in a significant injury, such as a head injury or a broken bone. Over 25% of older adults fall down on an annual basis, and a majority do not inform doctors.

Falls cause traumatic brain injuries more than any other factor, and they also lead to hip fractures more than any other type of accident.

Older adults and fall-related risks

As an older adult, you need to keep an eye out for various fall-related hazards. Uneven or broken stairs, slick surfaces, clutter, inadequate footwear, vision problems and poor balance can lead to a fall. Sadly, many older adults fall down because of a property owner’s negligence or a business owner failing to address a hazard, and you need to review your options if you sustained an injury due to someone else’s carelessness.

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | May 24, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Obtaining a driver’s license is a right of passage in the U.S. According to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles, a person can apply for a driver’s license when he or she reaches the age of 16. While receiving a license requires passing some tests and meeting other eligibility requirements, it is not exactly difficult to get one.

Teen accident statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are alarming. In 2019 alone, more than 2,400 teens died in motor vehicle accidents. More than 250,000 others suffered injuries in car crashes that year.

Drowsiness is a problem

While the comparative shortage of driving experience certainly plays a role in many accidents involving teen drivers, drowsiness is a problem. Put simply, when any driver is not sufficiently alert, he or she poses some accident risk.

Nowadays, many teens suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. This is due to multiple reasons, including academic pressures, school starting times and even growth spurts. To keep teens safe and others safe, parents must prevent young motorists from driving without sufficient rest.

Teens must recognize the warning signs

It can be difficult to tell whether a teen has had sufficient rest, of course. Therefore, parents should teach their teens to recognize the warning signs of drowsy driving. These may include one or more of the following:

  • Missing exits
  • Forgetting directions
  • Having watery eyes
  • Yawning
  • Dozing off

Even though you should be able to count on parents to keep drowsy teens off the road, you cannot control the actions of other drivers. Ultimately, if you suffer a life-changing injury in a collision with a sleepy teen, you may have a valid reason to pursue financial compensation.

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | May 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

As you travel along, you may not take much notice of whether people around you are sleepy or not while driving.

However, someone driving while drowsy can put any surrounding vehicles in danger. Learning about why this issue is important can help you if you are in an accident with someone who was falling asleep while operating a vehicle.

Lack of concentration

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, when a person is closing their eyes and struggling to stay focused on the cars around them, a simple mistake can happen without warning. This includes causing a rear-end accident or sideswiping another car.

While some people may assume drowsy driving could only harm their own car, any impact with another vehicle can lead to spinal cord or brain damage for the other driver. Being sleepy means you take longer to react to stimuli around you, which can make it hard to stop or turn in time to avoid oncoming traffic.

Poor decisions

A person turning the wheel while half-asleep and using the brakes while almost closing their eyes can lead to poor decisions. Whether a driver is drowsy because of medicine or a long shift at work, missing a stop sign or a red light is easy to do.

This is dangerous when a person is driving in the dark at night since that person can run into you before either of you see the other one. Noticing the signs of a drowsy driver and practicing safe driving techniques can help you if you are in an accident.