Simon & Gilman, LLP

Jan 18, 2023

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Apr 16, 2022 | Construction Accidents |

When people work on a construction site, they face many hazards on a daily basis. One of these is falling.

According to EHS Today, falls play a role in 35% of workplace fatalities. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration most frequently issues violations to workplaces because they disregard fall safety. Statistics demonstrate that this has been a problem for several decades. One study found that between 1982 and 2015, falling led to 42% of deaths on construction sites.

Why do construction sites fail to prevent falls?

Many people may wonder why falls continue to be so prevalent. One factor is the role that they play in accidents. Most construction workers incur injuries because of overexertion or repetitive movements. Additionally, contact with electrical wires and accidents while using machinery cause a significant number of wounds. People may need several days away from work as they recover. Because falls do not occur as often as these other incidents, people may emphasize safety in other areas.

Although falls do not lead to the highest number of injuries, they can result in the most serious wounds. Workers can sustain serious trauma when they fall from 6 feet and they rarely survive a fall of 30 feet. People may injure their neck or spinal cord or they may incur a traumatic brain injury. These wounds have the potential to keep workers at home for several months and can also affect their ability to function on a daily basis.

What steps can employers take?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration says that people can prevent falls by prioritizing safety. Before sending workers onto scaffolding, employers should make sure that they have safety equipment for each person. Additionally, they should consider the hazards unique to certain tasks. People who work near the edge of a building, for example, may need to take different precautions than someone working six feet above the ground. Employers should also make sure that each worker knows how to use the safety equipment.

With the proper precautions, people can be safe working at great heights.