Simon & Gilman, LLP

Jan 18, 2023

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Mar 5, 2021 | Firm News |

Walking down a New York City street should not result in injury. Unfortunately, even with the city’s plan to help curb pedestrian accidents, they continue to remain high. 

The city streets are some of the busiest in the country. Even with sidewalk and bike lane expansions, pedestrians and cyclists still land in the hospital in large numbers. The injuries sustained in vehicle versus pedestrian crashes are some of the most serious. 

Top reasons pedestrians get hurt

New York is a walking mecca. Many people choose to walk or bike around the city streets even with an extensive public transportation network. Because of the ease with which pedestrians can get around, it is not unusual to see packed city sidewalks throughout the day. With so many pedestrians in the area, the chance of a strike with a car is higher. Some of the most common types of pedestrian strikes include: 

  • Distracted pedestrians and drivers 
  • Excessive speed 
  • Poor weather 
  • Insufficient lighting 
  • Failure to yield by pedestrians and drivers 

Ways to stay safe on city streets

It is critical for pedestrians and cyclists to remain vigilant while going about their day. Staying off the cellphone while walking is one way to avoid becoming blindsided by a vehicle. Keeping the volume on headphones low enough to hear warnings is critical. Crossing only at designated crosswalks is another way walkers may avoid falling victim to a car strike. 

A vehicle versus pedestrian accident may result in catastrophic or fatal injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord trauma. It is the responsibility of both pedestrians and motorists to remain diligent and look out for each other.