Simon & Gilman, LLP

Jan 18, 2023

On Behalf of Simon & Gilman, LLP | Nov 8, 2021 | Construction Accidents |

While you enjoy working in construction, you understand you work around certain risks. Many construction workers use scaffolding to perform job duties. How do you stay safe when working up high?

The National Center for Construction Education & Research explores scaffolding safety tips. Keep yourself safe, and understand when your employer may drop the ball.

Common issues with scaffolding

A good way to protect yourself while working on scaffolding is to understand its risks. Construction companies should ensure they do not put too much weight on scaffolding. The elements cause wear and tear, so scaffolding should be well-maintained. Your employer should also perform thorough structure inspections.

OSHA standards

Construction companies must also follow current OSHA scaffolding regulations. Safety procedures include letters of interpretation, directives, training and potential solutions. Directives help ensure construction workers follow safety standards and conduct proper scaffolding inspections. Scaffolding material should support its own weight and at least four times the total intended load transferred or used.

Does your employer use OSHA’s Construction Packet Guide? It describes solutions and risks associated with commonly cited construction safety standards.

Staying safe

Your employer should ensure you receive proper training before letting you work on scaffolding. Instructors must have the right credentials and experience to teach others. Instructors ensure employees understand load limits and how to handle specific materials. The discovery of additional hazards may require retraining. Also, someone should always inspect scaffolding before workers use it.

Construction companies must keep workers safe. If construction accidents happen, getting the facts on scaffolding safety may help protect employee rights and your right to compensation.